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This clip is taken from episode 13 “Bad Blood” season 9


The episode deals with an ethical issue concerning a young man who was a Jehovah’s Witness and needed a blood transfusion. 

In the episode a male minor is brought into the ER after a skateboarding incident. He is wearing an ID tag that tells the team of doctors that he is a Jehovah’s Witness. The Doctors must then attempt to save the patient’s life without use of blood transfusions. The parents are very adamant about this. One of the surgical interns tries to sneak the patient a pint of blood but is caught. Despite the efforts of the Doctors, the patient does not live. 

Practicing Jehovah’s Witness’ cannot receive blood transfusions (or give them) based on the belief that blood represents life and only God can give life. Those who believe in this faith, respect life as a gift from God and it is non-negotiable to try and sustain life by taking in blood.

This episode demonstrates the parents faith. But, Should they have let their son die when something more could have been done ? 

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